Matching use of low temperature constant temperature reaction bath

Time:2022-04-01    Source:耀特仪器    Views:0    Tags:

The low-temperature constant temperature reaction bath is basically used in combination with the double-layer glass reaction kettle and the rotary evaporator. By providing the double-layer glass reaction kettle and the rotary evaporator with a low-temperature and constant temperature environment, it can be quickly cooled and constant temperature, so as to achieve the required environmental conditions.

    The low-temperature constant temperature reaction bath can be equipped with a magnetic stirrer at the bottom of the constant temperature bath. When the magnetic stirrer works, it can make the medium solution in the low-temperature constant temperature reaction bath flow, so as to achieve the effect of more uniform temperature and more accurate temperature control in the low-temperature bath. At the same time, it can also make the tested liquid flow under the stirring of Teflon stirrer, so that the temperature of the tested solution is more uniform and the reaction is more sufficient. According to the needs of customers, a circulating pump can be added in the equipment to achieve the effect of low-temperature coolant circulating pump and achieve the purpose of one machine with multiple functions.